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  1. Tumor-associated antigens recognized by humoral effectors of the immune system are a very attractive target for human cancer diagnostics and therapy. Recent advances in molecular techniques have led to molecul...

    Authors: Emiliano Pavoni, Paola Vaccaro, Andrea Pucci, Giorgia Monteriù, Elisa Beghetto, Stefano Barca, Maria Luisa Dupuis, Adolfo De Pasquale Ceratti, Antonio Lugini, Maurizio Cianfriglia, Enrico Cortesi, Franco Felici and Olga Minenkova
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:78
  2. Several reports indicated that non-thermal electromagnetic radiation such as from mobile phones and base stations may promote cancer. Therefore, it was investigated experimentally, whether 900 MHz electromagne...

    Authors: Angela M Sommer, Joachim Streckert, Andreas K Bitz, Volkert W Hansen and Alexander Lerchl
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:77
  3. Human monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) are needed for colon cancer radioimmunotherapy (RIT) to allow for repeated injections. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) being the reference antigen for immunotargeting of these...

    Authors: Véronique Garambois, Fabienne Glaussel, Elodie Foulquier, Marc Ychou, Martine Pugnière, Robin X Luo, Binyam Bezabeh and André Pèlegrin
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:75
  4. The management of unresectable or metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) has previously been difficult as they are resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiation. The development of imatinib ...

    Authors: Brett Hughes, Desmond Yip, David Goldstein, Paul Waring, Victoria Beshay and Guan Chong
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:74
  5. Invasion is an important early step of cancer metastasis that is not well understood. Developing therapeutics to limit metastasis requires the identification and validation of candidate proteins necessary for ...

    Authors: Kevin E Sloan, Brenda K Eustace, Jean K Stewart, Carol Zehetmeier, Claudia Torella, Marina Simeone, Jennifer E Roy, Christine Unger, David N Louis, Leodevico L Ilag and Daniel G Jay
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:73
  6. Precise classification of cancer types is critically important for early cancer diagnosis and treatment. Numerous efforts have been made to use gene expression profiles to improve precision of tumor classifica...

    Authors: YeeLeng Yap, XueWu Zhang, MT Ling, XiangHong Wang, YC Wong and Antoine Danchin
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:72
  7. This practice guideline was developed to provide recommendations to clinicians in Ontario on the preferred standard radiotherapy fractionation schedule for the treatment of painful bone metastases.

    Authors: Jackson Sai-Yiu Wu, Rebecca KS Wong, Nancy S Lloyd, Mary Johnston, Andrea Bezjak and Timothy Whelan
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:71
  8. SV40 DNA replication system is a very useful tool to understand the mechanism of replication, which is a tightly regulated process. Many environmental and cellular factors can induce cell cycle arrest or apopt...

    Authors: Yahong Jiang, Eun-Young Ahn, Seung Hee Ryu, Dong-Kyoo Kim, Jang-Su Park, Hyun Joo Yoon, Song You, Burm-Jong Lee, Dong Seok Lee and Jee H Jung
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:70
  9. Although modest improvements in the survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) can be achieved with cisplatin-based chemotherapy (CT), its value is disputed in the geriatric setting. In this ...

    Authors: José Rodrigues Pereira, Sandro J Martins, Sueli M Nikaedo and Flora K Ikari
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:69
  10. Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC) patients show a characteristic pattern of antibody responses to the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) which is regularly associated with this tumor. However, no EBV-speci...

    Authors: Lilia Fliss-Jaber, Radhia Houissa-Kastally, Kamel Bouzouita, Naceur Khediri and Ridha Khelifa
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:68
  11. Carcinoma of the esophagus is an aggressive malignancy with an increasing incidence. Its virulence, in terms of symptoms and mortality, justifies a continued search for optimal therapy. A clinical practice gui...

    Authors: Richard A Malthaner, Rebecca KS Wong, R Bryan Rumble and Lisa Zuraw
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:67
  12. Lung cancer causes approximately one million deaths each year worldwide and protein p53 has been shown to be involved in the intricate processes regulating response to radiation and/or chemotherapeutic treatme...

    Authors: Michael Bergqvist, Daniel Brattström, Anders Larsson, Patrik Hesselius, Ola Brodin and Gunnar Wagenius
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:66
  13. Astrocytoma is a common aggressive intracranial tumor and presents a formidable challenge in the clinic. Association of altered DNA methylation patterns of the promoter CpG islands with the expression profile ...

    Authors: Jian Yu, Hongyu Zhang, Jun Gu, Song Lin, Junhua Li, Wei Lu, Yifei Wang and Jingde Zhu
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:65
  14. The envelope (Env) protein of jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) can transform cells in culture and is likely to be the main factor responsible for lung cancer induction by JSRV in animals. A recent report ind...

    Authors: A Dusty Miller, Neal S Van Hoeven and Shan-Lu Liu
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:64
  15. Identification of effective systemic antineoplastic drugs against anaplastic thyroid carcinomas has particularly important implications. In fact, the efficacy of the chemotherapeutic agents presently used in t...

    Authors: Marilena Celano, Maria Grazia Calvagno, Stefania Bulotta, Donatella Paolino, Franco Arturi, Domenicoantonio Rotiroti, Sebastiano Filetti, Massimo Fresta and Diego Russo
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:63
  16. Mutations of the BRAF gene are the most common genetic alteration in melanoma. Moreover, BRAF mutations are already present in benign nevi. Being overexpressed and mutated, B-Raf is a potential target for the ...

    Authors: Joachim Fensterle, Jürgen C Becker, Tamara Potapenko, Veronika Heimbach, Claudia S Vetter, Eva B Bröcker and Ulf R Rapp
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:62
  17. Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 predispose to breast and ovarian cancer. A multitude of mutations have been described and are found to be scattered throughout these two large genes. We describe analysis of

    Authors: Ioulia Belogianni, Angela Apessos, Markos Mihalatos, Evangelia Razi, Stefanos Labropoulos, Andreas Petounis, Vasiliki Gaki, Antonios Keramopoulos, Nikos Pandis, Kyriacos Kyriacou, Andreas Hadjisavvas, Paris Kosmidis, Drakoulis Yannoukakos and Georgios Nasioulas
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:61
  18. Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against the HER2 receptor is currently being used in breast and other tumor types. Early studies have shown that a variable proportion of cervical carcinoma tumors ...

    Authors: Alma Chavez-Blanco, Victor Perez-Sanchez, Aurora Gonzalez-Fierro, Teresa Vela-Chavez, Myrna Candelaria, Lucely Cetina, Silvia Vidal and Alfonso Dueñas-Gonzalez
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:59
  19. Cervical carcinomas are second most frequent type of women cancer. Success in diagnostics of this disease is due to the use of Pap-test (cytological smear analysis). However Pap-test gives significant portion ...

    Authors: Galina Volgareva, Larisa Zavalishina, Yulia Andreeva, Georgy Frank, Ella Krutikova, Darya Golovina, Alexander Bliev, Dimitry Spitkovsky, Valeriya Ermilova and Fjodor Kisseljov
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:58
  20. Limb-salvage is a primary objective in the management of extremity soft-tissue sarcoma in adults and children. Wide-local excision combined with radiation therapy is effective in achieving local tumor control ...

    Authors: Daniel T Fletcher, William C Warner, Michael D Neel and Thomas E Merchant
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:57
  21. Farnesyl protein transferase inhibitors (FTIs) were originally developed to inhibit oncogenic ras, however it is now clear that there are several other potential targets for this drug class. The FTI tipifarnib (Z...

    Authors: Mitch Raponi, Robert T Belly, Judith E Karp, Jeffrey E Lancet, David Atkins and Yixin Wang
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:56
  22. Deletions in the long arm of chromosome 11 are observed in a subgroup of advanced stage neuroblastomas with poor outcome. The deleted region harbours the tumour suppressor gene SDHD that is frequently mutated in ...

    Authors: Katleen De Preter, Jo Vandesompele, Jasmien Hoebeeck, Caroline Vandenbroecke, Jöel Smet, Annick Nuyts, Geneviève Laureys, Valérie Combaret, Nadine Van Roy, Frank Roels, Rudy Van Coster, Marleen Praet, Anne De Paepe and Frank Speleman
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:55
  23. The relative role of anti apoptotic (i.e. Bcl-2) or pro-apoptotic (e.g. Bax) proteins in tumor progression is still not completely understood.

    Authors: Gwenola Bougras, Pierre-François Cartron, Fabien Gautier, Stéphane Martin, Marité LeCabellec, Khaled Meflah, Marc Gregoire and François M Vallette
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:54
  24. The aim of this experimental study was to determine the effect of mild hyperthermia on tumor response and angioneogenesis in an isolated limb perfusion model with a human melanoma xenograft.

    Authors: Joerg Pelz, Marco Mollwitz, Christian Stremmel, Jonas Goehl, Arno Dimmler, Werner Hohenberger and Thomas Meyer
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:53
  25. S100A4 is a small Ca2+-binding protein of the S100 family with metastasis-promoting properties. Recently, secreted S100A4 protein has been shown to possess a number of functions, including induction of angiogenes...

    Authors: Kjetil Boye Pedersen, Kristin Andersen, Øystein Fodstad and Gunhild Mari Mælandsmo
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:52
  26. The gefitinib compassionate-use programme has enabled >39,000 patients worldwide to receive gefitinib ('Iressa', ZD1839) treatment. This paper reports the outcome of gefitinib treatment in Chinese patients who...

    Authors: Xin-Lin Mu, Long-Yun Li, Xiao-Tong Zhang, Shu-Lan Wang and Meng-Zhao Wang
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:51
  27. The objective of this article is to present the frequency of cancer in Mexican children who were treated in the hospitals of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Mexico City (IMSS-MC) in the period 1996...

    Authors: Servando Juárez-Ocaña, Guadalupe González-Miranda, Juan Manuel Mejía-Aranguré, Mario Enrique Rendón-Macías, María del Carmen Martínez-García and Arturo Fajardo-Gutiérrez
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:50
  28. Tamoxifen is being used successfully to treat breast cancer. However, tamoxifen also increases the risk of developing endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women. Raloxifene also decreases breast cancer in wome...

    Authors: Lawrence Levine
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:49
  29. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy is an integral part of multi-modality approach in the management of locally advanced breast cancer and it is vital to predict the response in order to tailor the regime for a patient....

    Authors: Chintamani, Vinay Singhal, JP Singh, Ashima Lyall, Sunita Saxena and Anju Bansal
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:48
  30. We sought to evaluate the hypothesis that the high incidence of cutaneous melanoma in white persons in central Alabama is associated with a predominance of Irish and Scots descent.

    Authors: Ronald T Acton, Ellen H Barton, William W Hollowell, Amy L Dreibelbis, Rodney CP Go and James C Barton
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:47
  31. We studied the expression of DMBT1 (deleted in malignant brain tumor 1), a putative tumor suppressor gene, in normal, proliferative, and malignant breast epithelium and its possible relation to cell cycle.

    Authors: P Braidotti, PG Nuciforo, J Mollenhauer, A Poustka, C Pellegrini, A Moro, G Bulfamante, G Coggi, S Bosari and GG Pietra
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:46
  32. Osteosarcoma is a highly malignant bone neoplasm of children and young adults. It is characterized by extremely complex karyotypes and high frequency of chromosomal amplifications. Currently, only the histolog...

    Authors: Tsz-Kwong Man, Xin-Yan Lu, Kim Jaeweon, Laszlo Perlaky, Charles P Harris, Shishir Shah, Marc Ladanyi, Richard Gorlick, Ching C Lau and Pulivarthi H Rao
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:45
  33. The fusion protein RUNX1-CBFA2T1 associated with t(8;21)-positive acute myeloid leukaemia is a potent inhibitor of haematopoetic differentiation. The role of RUNX1-CBFA2T1 in leukaemic cell proliferation is le...

    Authors: Natalia Martinez, Bettina Drescher, Heidemarie Riehle, Claire Cullmann, Hans-Peter Vornlocher, Arnold Ganser, Gerhard Heil, Alfred Nordheim, Jürgen Krauter and Olaf Heidenreich
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:44
  34. The Hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway regulates a variety of developmental processes, including vasculogenesis, and can also induce the expression of pro-angiogenic factors in fibroblasts postnatally. Misregulat...

    Authors: Catherine L Olsen, Pin-Pin Hsu, Jens Glienke, Gabor M Rubanyi and Alan R Brooks
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:43
  35. Matrix metalloproteinases [MMPs], which degrade the extracellular matrix, play an important role in the invasion and metastasis of squamous cell carcinomas. One MMP, MMP-13, is thought to play a central role i...

    Authors: Nil Culhaci, Kubilay Metin, Eray Copcu and Emel Dikicioglu
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:42
  36. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are central to degradation of the extracellular matrix and basement membrane during both normal and carcinogenic tissue remodeling. MT1-MMP (MMP-14) and stromelysin-3 (MMP-11) ...

    Authors: Saxon Selvey, Larisa M Haupt, Erik W Thompson, Klaus I Matthaei, Michael G Irving and Lyn R Griffiths
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:40
  37. Combination therapy of irinotecan, folinic acid (FA) and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been proven to be highly effective for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. However, in light of safety and efficacy...

    Authors: Andreas Teufel, Silke Steinmann, Jürgen Siebler, Christiane Zanke, Herbert Hohl, Bernd Adami, M Schroeder, O Klein, Thomas Höhler, Peter R Galle, Michael Heike and Markus Moehler
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:38
  38. Atypical glandular cells on cervical smears are often associated with clinically significant uterine lesions. The frequency and accuracy of AGC-NOS (i.e. atypical glandular cells, not otherwise specified) diag...

    Authors: René Scheiden, Catherine Wagener, Ulrich Knolle, Walter Dippel and Catherine Capesius
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:37
  39. This multicentre phase I/II study was designed to determine the maximum tolerated dose of irinotecan when combined with 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid according to the Mayo Clinic schedule and to evaluate the...

    Authors: Thomas Kuehr, Paul Ruff, Bernardo L Rapoport, Stephen Falk, Francis Daniel, Conrad Jacobs, Neville Davidson, Josef Thaler, Blandine Boussard and James Carmichael
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:36
  40. The expression profiles of solid tumor models in rodents have been only minimally studied despite their extensive use to develop anticancer agents. We have applied RNA expression profiling using Affymetrix U95...

    Authors: Michael A Gieseg, Michael Z Man, Nicholas A Gorski, Steven J Madore, Eric P Kaldjian and Wilbur R Leopold
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:35
  41. The importance of various inflammatory cytokines in maintaining tumor cell growth and viability is well established. Increased expression of the proinflammatory cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor ...

    Authors: Katherine L Meyer-Siegler, Erica C Leifheit and Pedro L Vera
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:34
  42. BAK (Bcl-2 homologous antagonist/killer) is a novel pro-apoptotic gene of the Bcl-2 family. It has been reported that gastric tumors have reduced BAK levels when compared with the normal mucosa. Moreover, muta...

    Authors: Qiang-Song Tong, Li-Duan Zheng, Liang Wang, Jun Liu and Wei Qian
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:33
  43. Following resection of liver metastases from colorectal cancer, 5-year survivals are reportedly 30 – 39%. It can be assumed that this clinical situation represents systemic disease. Therefore, it is postulated...

    Authors: Oliver F Bathe, Scot Dowden, Francis Sutherland, Elijah Dixon, Charles Butts, David Bigam, Barb Walley, Dean Ruether and Scott Ernst
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:32
  44. A novel member of the Wnt signalling pathway, Chibby, was recently identified. This protein inhibits Wnt/β-catenin mediated transcriptional activation by competing with Lef-1 (the transcription factor and targ...

    Authors: Sophie Gad, David Teboul, Astrid Lièvre, Nicolas Goasguen, Anne Berger, Philippe Beaune and Pierre Laurent-Puig
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:31
  45. North central China has some of the highest rates of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in the world with cumulative mortality surpassing 20%. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) accumulates more mutations than nuclear ...

    Authors: Christian C Abnet, Konrad Huppi, Ana Carrera, David Armistead, Keith McKenney, Nan Hu, Ze-Zong Tang, Philip R Taylor and Sanford M Dawsey
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:30
  46. Serum leptin level is associated with appetite and energy expenditure in healthy individuals. We aimed to evaluate the serum leptin concentration and the other factors which may be associated with weight loss ...

    Authors: F Fusun Bolukbas, Hasan Kilic, Cengiz Bolukbas, Mahmut Gumus, Mehmet Horoz, Nazım S Turhal and Birsel Kavakli
    Citation: BMC Cancer 2004 4:29

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