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Fig. 5 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Methyl CpG binding protein MBD2 has a regulatory role on the BRCA1 gene expression and its modulation by resveratrol in ER+, PR+ & triple-negative breast cancer cells

Fig. 5

A-D Clonogenic assay of MCF-10A, MCF-7 & MDA-MB-231 cells treated with different concentration of resveratrol was done on 6 well plates and stained with crystal violet after fixing the cells and images were captured using scale bar (10X resolution, 2.3mm) in fluorescent inverted microscope. Colonies were counted by Image J software and their plating efficiency and survival frequency was calculated using formula and plotted as bar graph. E-J Migration assay was done by wound healing assay on MCF-10A, MCF-7 & MDA-MB-231 cells treated with different concentration of resveratrol and images were captured using scale bar (10X resolution, 2.3mm) in fluorescent inverted microscope and gap of wound closure was calculated by Image J software and plotted as bar graph

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