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Table 1 Characteristics of participants

From: Colonoscopy screening for colorectal cancer in Egypt: a nationwide cross-sectional study


Number (%)


55 (12)



786 (54.1%)


667 (45.9%)



571 (39.3%)


882 (60.7%)



48 (3.3%)


292 (20.1%)

 Secondary school

382 (26.3%)

 Primary school

388 (26.7%)


343 (23.6%)

Currently employed


755 (52%)

 No (including retired)

694 (47.8%)

Income level (self-reported)

 Low income

871 (59.9%)

 Middle income

564 (38.8%)

 High income

18 (1.2%)

Method of Payment of Medical Bills

 Health insurance (covered by my employer)

72 (5%)

 Government Support

595 (40.9%)

 Out of Pocket

786 (54.1%)

Participants with relative who had pre-cancerous polyp

37 (2.5%)

Participants with relative who had CRC

96 (6.6%)

Participants who knew others diagnosed with CRC

239 (16.4%)

Participants who knew anyone who died of CRC

230 (15.8%)

Participants diagnosed with colorectal disease

292 (20.1%)

Participants who had discussions with their physician about cancer in general

287 (19.8%)

Participants who had discussions with their physician about cancer screening

258 (17.8%)

Participants who had discussions with their physician about CRC

89 (6.1%)

Participants who had discussions with their physician about CRC screening

62 (4.3%)

  1. CRC Colorectal cancer
  2. Data presented as median (IQR) or number (percentage)