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Fig. 6 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 6

From: The gene expression profile and cell of origin of canine peripheral T-cell lymphoma

Fig. 6

GSVA evaluating the enrichment of individual samples for the expression profiles of various stages of thymocyte development (GSE1460), resting and activated human T cells (GSE22886), murine T-helper cell subsets (GSE14308), and the top up- and downregulated genes in human CD4 SP thymocytes compared to CD4+ T-cells in adult and infant blood (GSE139242). Control canine CD4+ lymphocytes are uniformly negatively enriched for early T-cell progenitor and thymocyte gene signatures and strongly enriched for naïve T-cell signatures. Canine CD4+ PTCL separates into two distinctive clusters, with the first group exhibiting strong enrichment for early T lymphocyte gene signatures, intrathymic T progenitor cells, genes upregulated in DP thymocytes compared to naïve circulating CD4+ T-cells, and genes upregulated with Th1 and Th2 cell activation; as well as variable enrichment for CD4 SP thymocyte gene signatures. Members of the second group are largely negatively enriched or non-enriched for early T lymphocyte and intrathymic T progenitor cell signatures (but still exhibit positive enrichment for CD4 SP thymocyte gene signatures compared to mature circulating CD4+ T-cells) and are positively enriched for genes upregulated in naïve CD4+ T-cells compared to activated Th1 and Th2 cells

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