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Fig. 2 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Screening of novel tumor-associated antigens for lung adenocarcinoma mRNA vaccine development based on pyroptosis phenotype genes

Fig. 2

Discrimination of potential tumor antigens in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). (A) Tumor-related antigens in LUAD. The chromosomal distribution of differentially expressed genes in LUAD is suggested. (B)–(E) Tumor-specific antigens in LUAD. (B, C) Samples overlapping in altered genomic segment groups (each column represents a different sample, and the y-axis represents the overlap count of mutated gene fragments in the genome with tumor-specific antigens. This overlap count indicates how many common mutations exist between a specific gene fragment in the genome and genes that potentially encode tumor-specific antigens in each sample). Genes with the highest frequency in altered genomic fragments (D) and mutation count groups (E) (the X-axis represents the samples, with each sample corresponding to an individual in LUAD patients. Each bar represents a sample, and each color represents the mutation status of the gene in different samples). LUAD, lung adenocarcinoma

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