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Fig. 7 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 7

From: Comprehensive prognostic and immune analysis of a glycosylation related risk model in pancreatic cancer

Fig. 7

Less tumor cells and more tumor infiltration CD8 + T cells were observed in GRGs low risk group. Representative staining of cells in PC, each of the individual markers in the composite image after spectral unmixing, together with the DAPI nuclear marker (pseudocoloured blue) and the autofluorescence signal (pseudocoloured black). A Relative distribution of all analysed cell phenotypes in PC and uninvolved pancreatic tissue samples and pairwise comparisons of the percentage of CD8 + and PD-L1 + cells. B Comparison of the difference in the percentage of single channel positive cells(panCK + , PD-L1 + , CD8 +) in high and low risk groups. C Representative mIHC images of 4 patient samples in the low-risk group. D Representative mIHC images of 4 patient samples in the high-risk group. E Comparison of the difference in the percentage of single channel positive cells (panCK + , PD-L1 + , CD8 +) in high and low risk groups. F Correlation between risk score and percentage of single channel positive cells

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