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Table 4 MDTM benefits. Significant quotations from the qualitative interviews. The respondent’s identifications (referring to Table 2) are in brackets

From: Multidisciplinary team meetings in Hematology: a national mixed-methods study

Training and Updating on the knowledge

“I think that MDTM has an educational function, and not only for the medical residents, for the seniors also”. [ID14]

“In a General Hematology Department, we do not have the possibility to get informed about all the publications relatives the different hematological malignancies and as each physician develops an expertise, each one of us can learn something during MDTM”. [ID 12]

Legitimization of the decision

“I think that the collective decision is rather positive: for the doctor who is alone and who needs an opinion, but also for the patient who knows that there are several physicians who thought about his/her case”. [ID 4]

Homogenization of medical practices

“MDTM avoid having heaps of treatments which depend on each physician’s opinions. For example, if a physician has the tendency to frequently prescribe palliative care, MDTM may propose still feasible curative treatment. Likewise, when a physician tends to propose systematically a curative treatment even after several treatments in pejorative prognosis’ pathology, the discussion may counter this tendency” [ID 10]

Physicians’ security

“Working in a standardized setting which guarantees the collective back up in case of contentious situations with the patient and/or his/her family is a real benefit for the physician”. [ID 2]

Sharing responsibility

“I think that our practice is extremely difficult because we must take decisions that impact the patient’s life. MDTM reassure me: validating my decisions with my colleagues, asking their expertise helps me in my daily practice”. [ID 8]

“I remember when the decisions were taken by the physician alone, and I wouldn’t like to go back to this situation. When everything works, then you can be very proud of yourself; conversely, when problems arrive, you are alone and worried”. [ID 21]

“Initially, I thought that the MDTM would come to tarnish the image that the patient has of the doctor (“the holder of a knowledge, susceptible to save lives”); currently, the MDTM helps me facing therapeutic uncertainties”. [ID 13]

Benefits for patients

“In our Department, there is a significant recruitment to clinical trials. MDTM allow us to be informed about new protocols and that is very interesting for our patients”. [ID 4]

“For the patient, the homogenization of medical practice is a real advantage, so he/she does not depend on the opinion of a single doctor. It is about equity of chances!” [ID 5]

“It is reassuring for the patients to know that the decision is collegial and validated by all the Department’s medical team”. [ID 1]