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Fig. 3 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 3

From: Beneficial effects of alpha-1 antitrypsin therapy in a mouse model of colitis-associated colon cancer

Fig. 3

AAT therapy reduces tumor progression and intestinal inflammation. A. Representative histopathological images of the colorectal cancer in the mice at week 18. a: normal appearance of mouse colon tissue in control group, b: control group-treated AAT with normal morphology of colonic wall, c: large tumor invasion to muscularis mucosa in DSS group, d: adenocarcinoma with submucosal invasion, pT1 (Arrow) in DSS group, e: A peicolic lymph node with adenocarcinoma invasion in DSS group, f: colon with perineural invasion in DSS group, g: adenocarcinoma invading the muscularis mucosa pT1 in the DSS/AAT group, h: adenocarcinoma invading the muscularis mucosa pT1 in DSS/AAT group. Histopathology sections were performed using hematoxylin and eosin staining. A-f, h panels were with low power, 100  X magnification and panel (g) with low power, 100X, and high power, 400X magnification. B. Relative frequency (%) of tumor formation and propagation between groups at week 18. (0) representing an unremarkable colonic mucosa, (pT0) represents tumor intraepithelial or tumor invasion to lamina propria with no extension through muscularis mucosa. (pT1) representing tumor invades muscularis mucosa and submucosa. C. Box plots show neutrophils infiltration into colon tissue between groups at week 18. D. Box plots show eosinophils infiltration into colon tissue between groups at week 18. Results shown as the mean ± SD. A value of p < 0.05 was considered as significant

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