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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the ABLATIVE-2 trial

From: Prediction of pathologic complete response after single-dose MR-guided partial breast irradiation in low-risk breast cancer patients: the ABLATIVE-2 trial—a study protocol

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion Criteria

World Health Organization performance status 0–2

Legal incapacity

Females ≥ 50 years with a unifocal cT1N0 tumor

Breast cancer mutation gene carrier

Tumor histology as assessed on biopsy:

Distant metastasis

- Bloom-Richardson grade 1 or 2

Previous history of breast cancer or DCIS

- Non-lobular invasive histological type carcinoma

Another type of malignancy within 5 years before breast cancer diagnosisa

- Estrogen receptor positivity

- HER2 receptor negativity

Signs of extensive ductal carcinoma in situ on histological biopsy or imaging

Tumor-negative sentinel node

MRI contra-indication

Adequate understanding of the Dutch language

Collagen synthesis disease

Indication for treatment with (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy

Non-feasible dosimetric plan

  1. aFor patients with adequately treated carcinoma in situ of the cervix or basal cell carcinoma of the skin no specific time to the breast cancer diagnosis is required for inclusion. DCIS ductal carcinoma in situ