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Table 1 Patient demographics and baseline characteristics

From: Radiographic and α-fetoprotein response predict pathologic complete response to immunotherapy plus a TKI in hepatocellular carcinoma: a multicenter study


All patients (N = 35)

Age, mean ± SD, years

56.4 ± 9.13

Sex, n (%)


2 (6)


33 (94)

HBsAg, n (%)


6 (17)


29 (83)

Child–Pugh grade, n (%)


35 (100)

AFP at baseline, n (%)

  ≤ 400 ng/mL

13 (37)

  > 400 ng/mL

22 (63)

AFP at baseline, n (%)

  ≤ ULN

10 (29)

  > ULN

25 (71)

AFP before surgery, n (%)

  ≤ ULN

15 (43)

  > ULN

20 (57)

BCLC stage, n (%)


3 (9)


9 (26)


23 (66)

CNLC stage, n (%)


3 (9)


1 (3)


8 (23)


13 (37)


10 (29)

Macrovascular invasion, n (%)


21 (60)


14 (40)

Extrahepatic disease, n (%)


25 (71)


10 (29)

Location of extrahepatic disease, n (%)

 Abdominal cavity

1 (3)

 Adrenal gland

1 (3)


3 (9)


2 (6)

 Lymph nodea

4 (11)

Anti–PD-1 antibody treatment cycle before surgery, median (IQR)

5 (3–8)

Time to surgery, median (IQR), months

4.4 (2.73–6.57)

Radiographic responseb, median (IQR)

65% (48–87)

  1. AFP α-fetoprotein, BCLC Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer, CNLC China National Liver Cancer, ECOG Eastern Co-operative Oncology Group, HBsAg Hepatitis B surface antigen, IQR Interquartile range, mRECIST Modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors, PD-1 Programmed death 1, SD Standard deviation, ULN The upper limit of normal at each patient’s respective hospital
  2. aOne patient had both hilar lymph node and lumbar vertebra metastases
  3. bUsing the mRECIST measurement method