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Table 5 Results of stepwise Cox regression analysis on breast cancer-specific survival and overall survival in HR-positive breast cancer patients

From: High leukocyte mitochondrial DNA copy number contributes to poor prognosis in breast cancer patients

Factor (in order of entry)

HR (95%CI)

P (in final modal)

5-Year Breast Cancer-Specific Survival


1. Nodal status(positive vs. negative)

4.148 (2.186–7.783)


2. Grade(III vs. I + II)

1.859 (1.138–3.035)


3. mtDNAcn(Quintile 2–5 vs. Quintile 1)

2.420 (1.204–4.863)


5-Year Overall Survival


1. Nodal status(positive vs. negative)

3.454 (1.900-6.279)


2. mtDNAcn(Quintile 2–5 vs. Quintile 1)

2.464 (1.227–4.948)


3. Grade(III vs. I + II)

1.705 (1.046–2.777)


4. HER2(positive vs. negative)

1.537 (0.959–2.463)
