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Table 2 Distribution of Statements and Adaptation Choices across 10 Institutions (N = 1350 Statements*)

From: Symptom management care pathway adaptation process and specific adaptation decisions


n (%)




570 (42.2)


60 (4.4)


720 (53.3)

Adaptation Choice



551 (40.8)


657 (48.7)


86 (6.4)

 Because of previous decision, statement no longer applicable

56 (4.1)

 New statement added*



n = 657

 Resource(s) added

96 (14.6)

 Resource(s) partially removed (some retained)

134 (20.4)

 Resource(s) all removed (none retained)

14 (2.1)

 Added statement to follow institutional standard or order set

32 (4.9)

 Removed statement to follow institutional standard

13 (2.0)

 Articulated action be based on severity of bothersome symptom

216 (32.9)

 Changed conditional (“consider x”) to strong (“do x”) statement

146 (22.2)

 Changed content of statement or combined two or more statements

261 (39.7)

 Medication(s) removed

65 (9.9)

 Medication(s) added

48 (7.3)

 Medication substituted with a related medication

50 (7.6)

 Statement moved to another section (e.g. prevention to treatment)

11 (1.7)

 Removed or modified hyperlink

21 (3.2)


n = 86

 Statement not relevant for primary team

8 (9.3)

 Did not agree with statement

70 (81.4)

 Personnel unable to offer intervention due to lack of availability

8 (9.3)

  1. * Denominator for adaptation choice was the number of statements on the template care pathways (N = 1350); new statements added were not included in this denominator
  2. ** For adaptations, there could be multiple adaptations per statement