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Table 1 Recommended categories of SSC and components of SCPs by the IOM [8]

From: Oncological healthcare providers’ perspectives on appropriate melanoma survivorship care: a qualitative focus group study

Recommended categories SSCa8, 9

Recommended components of SCPsb8, 10

1. Information and education about the disease, its treatment and the possible early and late effects;

2. Identification and treatment of the disease and therapy effects on all possible domains (i.e. physical and psychosocial, including work- and insurance-related);

3. Oncological follow-up with surveillance for cancer progression, recurrences or second cancers;

4. Coordination between all the healthcare providers involved in the care process, to make sure all of the survivor’s health needs are met

• Cancer type, treatments received, and their potential consequences;

• Specific information about the timing and content of recommended follow-up;

• Recommendations regarding preventive practices and how to maintain health and well-being;

• Information regarding employment and health insurance; and

• Information on the availability of psychosocial, nutritional, and other supportive services

  1. aSSC = Survivorship care, i.e. the care provided by either specialists or primary care providers to all cancer survivors, focusing on prevention, ensuring access to effective interventions and helping patients to improve their quality of life
  2. bSCP = Survivorship care plan, i.e. comprehensive care summary and follow-up plan that is clearly and effectively explained and consists of critical information needed for the survivor’s long-term care