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Fig. 6 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 6

From: Pan-cancer analysis and experimental validation of DTL as a potential diagnosis, prognosis and immunotherapy biomarker

Fig. 6

The representative IHC and IF images of DTL and CD3 staining and the statistical map of them, Kaplan–Meier analysis,*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. A IHC images of DTL staining were showed that DTL was successively overexpressed in normal, low-grade, middle-grade and high-grade LIHC tissues, 20X. B IF images of DTL staining were displayed that DTL was overexpressed in LIHC, especially in cancer nests (DTL: red, DAPI: blue, 40X). C-DRepresentative IF images of DTL staining were displayed that DTL was overexpressed in BLCA and STAD (DTL: red, DAPI: blue, 20X). E Comparisons of the expression of DTL levels between cancer tissues and normal tissues in all liver, bladder and stomach clinical samples, (normal: blue, cancer: red). F Comparisons of the expression of DTL levels in different pathological stage in LIHC. G Comparisons of the expression of DTL levels in different original tumor stage (T) in BLCA. H Comparisons of the expression of Ki-67 levels in DTL high and low group of LIHC, (the group of DTL low expression: blue, the group of DTL low expression: red). I Representative images of the high and low CD3 + T cells infiltration groups in LIHC, BLCA and STAD were showed (CD3: green, DAPI: blue, 20X). J Comparisons of the percentage of CD3.+ T cells infiltration in DTL high and low group were carried out in LIHC, BLCA and STAD (normal: blue, cancer: red)

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