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Fig. 4 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 4

From: RRM2 and CDC6 are novel effectors of XBP1-mediated endocrine resistance and predictive markers of tamoxifen sensitivity

Fig. 4

XBP1 is required for expression of RRM2, CDC6 and TOP2A. A Total RNA and whole cell lysate from control and XBP1 KO MCF7 cells was used to determine the expression of indicated genes. Expression level of indicated genes was evaluated by qRT-PCR and normalised against RPLP0. Data presented is mean ± S.D (n = 3). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, two-tailed unpaired t-test compared with control cells. Right panel, a representative immunoblot for RRM2, CDC6, TOP2 and β-Actin is shown (n = 3). B-D MCF7, T47D and BT474 cells were treated STF083010 (50 µM) for 96 h. Total RNA and whole cell lysate was used to determine the expression of indicated genes. Expression level of indicated genes was determined by real time RT-PCR and normalised against RPLP0. Data presented as mean ± S.D (n = 3). A representative immunoblot and quantification of RRM2, CDC6, TOP2A expression normalised to β-Actin is shown (n = 3)

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