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Table 1 Schedule of enrollment, intervention & assessments for VR study

From: Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of a virtual reality intervention targeting distress and anxiety in primary brain tumor patients at the time of clinical evaluation: Study protocol for a phase 2 clinical trial

  1. Abbreviations: VR Virtual reality, PROs Patient-reported outcomes, NCCN DT National Comprehensive Cancer Network Distress Thermometer, STAI-6 State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (6-item), PRO-CTCAEs Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, UCLA University of California Los Angeles, COST Comprehensive Score for Financial Toxicity, ADNM-20 Adjustment Disorder-New Module (version 20), WIWI Was It Worth It, DHEA-S Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate, sAA Salivary alpha amylase
  2. aMDASI-BT, PROMIS®-Anxiety and PROMIS®-Depression Short-Forms, Neuro-QoL™ and EQ-5D questionnaires will be completed as part of the NHS trial
  3. bWIWI questionnaire will be administered verbally during the qualitative phone interview
  4. cSalivary hormone collection kits will be mailed to participants. This is an optional collection at the discretion of the patient and investigator