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Table 1 ProtonCare Study Group (PCSG) logic model

From: Evaluating patient reported outcomes and experiences in a novel proton beam clinic – challenges, activities, and outcomes of the ProtonCare project


Resources and challenges




Lack of clinical data demonstrating superior outcomes in the use of PBT over CRT

Lack of evidence regarding patient reported toxicity and patients experiences related to PBT, hence a need for research based on PROs

Evaluation of patients´ satisfaction with care is central when starting up a novel clinic


- The establishment of the PCSG and as a result a commission from the Skandion management to conduct caring research in conjunction with PBT


- Lack of infrastructure for research at the Skandion clinic


- Staffing

- Funding

- Potential study participants geographically spread

- Limited number of patients referred for PBT

- Diagnosis related study protocols not completed from startup but evolving continuously

- Evolving data collection implementation for patients treated with PBT, in concordance with each diagnose based protocol group

- Data collection implementation for patients treated with CRT

Convene PCSG meets

Attend diagnosis study protocol meets

Applying for funding for support of the PCSG

Applying for funding to support PCSG research projects

Hire research nurses and doctoral students

Setting up a structure for data collection

Creation of a network of coordinators for patient inclusion to PCSG research project

Convene and host national meeting for coordinators from the Skandion clinic and participating regional radiotherapy departments

Nordic collaboration on patient perspective in PBT

Extent of external funding to support PCSG meets

Extent of external funding for research projects

Database for collected data

Dissemination of research findings by publications, communication of findings and presentation at national and international conferences

Ongoing and continuous dialogue with the staff at the Skandion clinic to develop the care

Short term

- Development of appropriate, relevant, and sustainable research network covering participating regions and radiotherapy departments

- Granted funding


- Scientific publications

- Granted funding

- Use of the research findings in the quality improvement process of the care at the Skandion clinic

- An increase in the number of research projects of PBT based on PROs


- Knowledge about health outcomes of patients considered for PBT will improve

- Findings will serve as base for clinical decisions when patients are referred to PBT versus CRT