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Table 4 Radiotherapy compliance criteria

From: A phase III, multicenter, randomized controlled trial of preoperative versus postoperative stereotactic radiosurgery for patients with surgically resectable brain metastases

1.0 Minor deviations

1.1 < 95% but ≥90% of the prescribed dose completely encompasses the clinical target volume

1.2 > 3 weeks between resection and start of post-operative SRS in the standard arm

1.3 > 1 week between the end of pre-operative SRS and resection in the experimental arm

2.0 Major deviations

2.1 > 2 weeks between planning MRI and start of SRS

2.2 Prescribed dose is ≤90% dose required by the study

2.3 < 90% of the prescribed dose completely encompasses the clinical target volume

2.4 Maximum point dose to the optic chiasm is > 10 Gy for treatments delivered in one fraction, > 20 Gy for treatments delivered in three fractions, or > 25 Gy for treatments delivered in five fractions

2.5 Maximum point dose to the brainstem is > 15 Gy for treatments delivered in one fraction, > 3.1 Gy for treatments delivered in three fractions, or > 31 Gy for treatments delivered in five fractions

2.6 > 6 weeks between resection and start of post-operative SRS in the standard arm or > 3 weeks between the end of pre-operative SRS and resection in the experimental arm

> 2 weeks to complete a course of fractionated SRS

2.8 Resection is not performed (or cancelled) for any reason

  1. Abbreviation: SRS stereotactic radiosurgery