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Fig. 2 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Differential presence of exons (DPE): sequencing liquid biopsy by NGS. A new method for clustering colorectal Cancer patients

Fig. 2

Exploratory analysis of patients using DPE (C vs H). MA plots for selected differentially present exons combining two different methods: quasi-likelihood F-tests (QLF) (A plot) and likelihood ratio tests (LRT) (B plot) for comparative C vs H. The log-fold change (FC) ratio is plotted on the y-axis, and the average normalized counts (counts per million; CPM) is plotted on the x-axis. Differentially present exons are highlighted in red (DPE; p ≤ 0.001) and a total of 14,300 exons were obtained with EdgeR. In the graph (C) we can see the grouping of patients using the normalized values of differentially present exons (DPE) by Ward’s method. Patients are marked with different colors according to the group in which they were included: C: brown and H: blue. Some of the cancer patients were clearly separated from the healthy ones. However, some of the cancer patients and healthy controls appear grouped together. A principal component analysis (PCA) can be seen in the two-dimensional (D) plot. Cancer patients (C) and healthy controls (H) where separated in a cloud of individual points. However, some patients and healthy controls appear together in the same point cloud, corresponding to non-metastatic patients who have a small tumor. C: cancer - brown and H: healthy - blue

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