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Fig. 3 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 3

From: Quantifying substantial carcinogenesis of genetic and environmental factors from measurement error in the number of stem cell divisions

Fig. 3

Variation in cancer risk among tissues explained by genetic and environmental factors. a, c and e The spatial distribution of registries (counties) in global-wide, national-wide in China, and Shandong province, respectively, besides, a and e show the substantial variation in cancer risks of all 17 cancer types across different registries (counties). [Maps of China and Shandong province were obtained from the Resource and Environment Science and Data Center at]. b, d, and f bar charts of the estimated \(1 - R_{i}^{2}\) from curve \(g(LCR_{i} ) = \varphi_{i0} + \varphi_{i1} LSCD_{{0}} + \varepsilon_{1i}\) fitting in each EHlat i in global scope, national scope and provincial scope, respectively, representing the contributions of genetic and environmental factors from the optimal EHlat (left) to the worst EHlat (right) to the variation of cancer risks in global scope, national scope, and provincial scope, respectively. EH: a single variable denoting all the genetic and environmental factors that do not exist in the laboratory environment; LSCD: the true total number of divisions of all stem cells within this tissue per lifetime (from birth to age 74); LSCD0: the error-prone value of LSCD calculated using parameters estimated based on results of cell culture from mouse or human tissues in the laboratory environment; LCR: the observed lifetime cancer risk. EHlat i: the ith level (row) of EH in the ranked LCR matrix

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