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Table 2 Study Regimen Description

From: A single arm phase II study of bone-targeted Sn-117 m-DTPA in symptomatic castration-resistant prostate cancer with skeletal metastases





Cycle Length

Sn-117 m-DTPA

20 mCi/70 kg (0.28 mCi/kg)

IV injection over 5–10 min

Day 1

8 weeks*

  1. *Retreatment after two cycles is allowed if patients meet the following retreatment criteria: Pain (≥ 4 on 11-point intensity scale) recurs within 6 months after a 16-week pain observation period and no disease progression on bone scans (≤ 2 new bone lesions), or evidence of clinical progression (such as development of cancer-related symptoms). The maximum treatment doses per patient is four injections in this study (2 rounds of 2 injection cycles)