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Table 1 Currently used serum biomarkers in the prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

From: Identifying novel transcript biomarkers for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using RNA-Seq datasets and machine learning

Used as




Individual biomarkers

AFP [6]


Increased, a sign of liver cancer

DCP [6]

des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin

Increased, a sign of liver cancer

GPC3 [7]


GPC3 is overexpressed in HCC

GP73 [8]

Golgi glycoprotein 73

High expression of GP73 in primary HCC

MDK [9]


Overexpressed in tumors

OPN [10]



SCCA [11]

Squamous cell carcinoma antigen

SCCA1, SCCA2 overexpressed

ANXA2 [12]

Annexin A2

Increased in HCC

Annexin A7 [13]

Annexin A7

Increased expression inhibits HCC lymph node metastasis

CD44 [14]

Cluster Differentiation 44


CD90 [14]

Cluster Differentiation 90


CD133 [15]

Cluster Differentiation 133 or prominin-1

CD133 protein expression levels of HCC in both the cytoplasm and nucleus were significantly higher than adjacent normal liver tissue.

EpCAM [16]

Epithelial cell adhesion molecule

Tumor size, intrahepatic metastasis, and EpCAM positivity were associated with tumor recurrence

TGF-β (1,2,3) [17]

Transforming growth factor beta

Highly activated

FGF [18]

Fibroblast growth factor

Expression was only detected in the liver tissues of patients with chronic hepatitis type C and HCC

HGF/SF [19]

Hepatocyte growth factor receptor

HGFA and Matriptase convert pro-HGF/SF to mature HGF/SF

Combination of biomarkers

AFP, AFP-L3, DCP [6]

Alpha-fetoprotein, L. culinaris agglutinin-reactive fraction of alpha-fetoprotein, des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin

Increased, a sign of liver cancer

CK19, GPC3, AFP [20]

Cytokeratin 19, Glypican-3, Alpha-fetoprotein

GPC3 with CK19 and AFP

GPC3, HSP70, GS [21]

Glypican 3, Heat shock protein 70, Glutamine synthetase

All increased, show a better diagnosis

TLN1, MDK [22]

Talin-1, Midkine

Talin-1 decreased, MDK increased in serum


Squamous cell carcinoma antigen, Alpha-fetoprotein


HIF-1α, VEGF (A-D) [23]

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, vascular endothelial growth factor

HIF-1α and VEGF showed higher expression