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Table 2 Comparison of fatigue score between experimental and control groups at baseline and following intervention

From: Comparison of fatigue and fatigability correlates in Korean breast cancer survivors and differences in associations with anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, and endocrine symptoms: a randomized controlled trial


Fatigue subscales

Experimental group

Control group

t (p)

Mean ± SD (range)

Mean ± SD (range)

Pre-intervention fatigue

Total fatigue score

5.23 ± 1.57

5.61 ± 1.84



Behavioral/severity fatigue

5.52 ± 1.45

5.55 ± 2.36

−0.06 (.953)


Affective fatigue

5.83 ± 2.14

6.25 ± 2.67



Sensory fatigue

4.81 ± 2.41

5.97 ± 1.67



Cognitive/mood fatigue

4.73 ± 2.00

4.87 ± 1.84

−0.23 (.819)

Post-intervention fatigue

Total fatigue score

4.52 ± 1.93

4.23 ± 2.18



Behavioral/severity fatigue

4.46 ± 2.27

4.02 ± 2.83



Affective fatigue

5.85 ± 2.56

5.51 ± 2.52



Sensory fatigue

4.06 ± 2.48

4.28 ± 2.20



Cognitive/mood fatigue

3.91 ± 1.53

3.75 ± 2.36
