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Fig. 2 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 2

From: Inference of kinase-signaling networks in human myeloid cell line models by Phosphoproteomics using kinase activity enrichment analysis (KAEA)

Fig. 2

The phosphoproteomes of the unperturbed five human myeloid cell lines. A Barplot represents the number of quantified PS in every replicate before imputation for K562 (red), NB4 (olive-green), THP1 (light green), MOLM13 (magenta), and OCI-AML3 (blue). B PCA distribution of quantified PS showing phenotypic clusters of cell-lines. C Heatmap of row scaled quantified PS showing equivalent clusters as with PCA. D KAEA waterfall plot of K562 shows -log10 p-values of overactive (red) and underactive kinases (blue) compared to the other four cell lines. E KAEA waterfall plot of MOLM13 compared to the other four cell lines. TS: tumor suppressor

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