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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of HCC patients receiving anti-PD-1 blockades

From: Reductions in AFP and PIVKA-II can predict the efficiency of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy in HCC patients


Number (%)

Sample size


Age, years

  ≤ 50

109 (46.4)


126 (53.6)

Chronic liver disease


203 (86.4)


32 (13.6)



31 (13.2)


204 (86.8)

Vascular invasion


113 (48.1)


122 (51.9)

Extrahepatic metastasis


148 (63.0)


87 (37.0)

ALBI grade


142 (60.4)


93 (39.6)

AFP reduction> 50%


122 (51.9)


113 (48.1)

PIVKA-II reduction> 50%


110 (46.8)


125 (53.2)

Baseline AFP level, ng/ml

 Median (range)

2995.0 (25.14–121,000)

  ≤ 400

78 (33.2)

  > 400

157 (66.8)

Baseline PIVKA-II level, mAU/ml

 Median (range)

7209.0 (41–75,000)

  ≤ 400

44 (18.7)

  > 400

191 (81.3)