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Fig. 5 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Humanized anti-DEspR IgG4S228P antibody increases overall survival in a pancreatic cancer stem cell-xenograft peritoneal carcinomatosis ratnu/nu model

Fig. 5

Analysis of anti-DEspR treatment effects on tumor burden, target engagement and bioeffects. a Representative post-mortem images of age-matched (57-days post-CSC injection) PPC saline-treated [Left] and hu-6g8 15 mg/kg-treated [Right] rats; hu- significantly decreased tumor burden. Comorbidities: dilated, necrotic small intestine in saline rats only (yellow➔), high omental tumor burden in saline (red➔) vs. minimal in hu-6g8 (− − -), cecum (*): dilated in saline but not in hu-6g8. b Target-engagement (red/magenta immunofluorescence+) 24-h after infusion on PPC tumors: [Left] IgG4-isotype: minimal, [Right] hu-6g8: high levels; DAPI+ nuclei (blue), colocalized hu-6g8/nucleus (magenta), RBC-autofluorescence (peach). c Target-bioeffects: activated Caspase-3 apoptosis DAB-staining (brown) in PPC tumors: [Left] omental tumors; [Right] tumor cells in liver [Top] saline control; [Bottom] hu-6g8 3 mg/kg iv. TC, PPC-tumor cells; HC, normal hepatocytes. Bar: 60-μm. d Representative immunohistochemistry images showing no activated Caspase-3 staining for apoptosis in normal tissues. Tumor vasculature (red➔). Bar = 100 μm. e-g Effect of hu-6g8 on hematologic cells: e neutrophils, f platelets, and g red blood cells (RBCs); no significant differences observed among saline, single-dose gemcitabine, and single-dose 3- and 15-mg/kg hu-6g8. h Significant difference (**) detected in neutrophil-lymphocyte (NL)-ratio with 15 mg/kg hu-6g8 treatment (n = 4) vs saline (n = 11), p = 0.009, two-way ANOVA, Bonferroni-correction

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