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Table 1 Baseline clinical characteristics of patients

From: Primary thymus tumors: retrospective case analysis at a reference center in Latin America, 2011–2019


(N = 18)

Male sex (%)

11 (61%)

Age – yra

52.7 (±16.6)

Clinical characteristics

Asymptomatic patients (%)

3 (16,6%)

Constitutional symptoms (%)

11 (61,1%)

 Weight loss

4 (22,2%)


1 (5,5%)

 Night sweats

0 (0%)

Paraneoplastic syndromes (%)

5 (27,7%)


3 (16.6%)

RBC aplasia

1 (5.5%)

Cushing syndrome

1 (5.5%)

  1. aValue corresponds to mean and standard deviation (SD)
  2. RBC Red blood cell