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Table 1 Demographic data and NID2 methylation levels of the samples

From: Evaluation of NID2 promoter methylation for screening of Oral squamous cell carcinoma


Healthy control (n = 50)

Potentially malignant group (n = 70)

Cancer group (n = 43)


Age mean (SD)

55.6 (15.3)

58.2 (13.9)

53.8 (15.6)

57.3 (17.5)



Male, 54 (54%)

Male, 26 (72.5%)

Male, 13 (36.7%)

Male, 23 (53.5%)


Female, 46 (46%)

Female, 14 (27.5%)

Female, 17 (63.3%)

Female, 20 (46.5%)


Sample collection

 Oral rinse

Healthy controls, 50a

Smokers, 40


Oral squamous cell carcinoma, 43


  Oral swab

Healthy controls, 50a


Oral lichen planus, 30

Oral squamous cell carcinoma, 22


Histological grade


Well-differentiated, 24


Moderately differentiated, 13


Poorly differentiated, 5


Clinical stage


Stage I, 7


Stage II, 10


Stage III, 4


Stage IV, 22


Methylated NID2 concentration

(ng/ul) [mean(SD)]

 Oral rinse

0 (0)

0 (0)


4.33 (7.69)

< 0.001

 Oral swab

0 (0)


0 (0)

4.00 (8.34)

< 0.001

  1. a Healthy controls in the oral rinse and oral swab were the same people