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Fig. 5 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Shortwave infrared emitting multicolored nanoprobes for biomarker-specific cancer imaging in vivo

Fig. 5

Biomarker Specific Accumulation of Nanoprobes. a Mice bearing molecularly-distinct bilateral subcutaneous tumors were injected with CAV1-targeted Rh-fHoANCs nanoprobes. b Images of two representative animals show higher accumulation in the CAV1-expressing 4175 tumor (left dorsal flank) compared to the MCF7 tumor (right dorsal flank). c The mean SWIR emission intensity from 4175 tumors was significantly higher than from the MCF7 tumors. d Mice bearing bilateral tumors were injected with MCF7 targeted FITC-fErANCs nanoprobes. e Images of two representative animals show higher accumulation in the CXCR4-expressing MCF7 tumor (right dorsal flank) compared to the 4175 tumor (left dorsal flank) tumors. f The mean SWIR emission intensity from MCF7 tumors was significantly higher than from 4175 tumors. Bar graphs in panels c and f represent the mean ± s.e.m. for each group (n = 3 in each). *p < 0.06 determined by Welch’s two-tailed t- test; **p = 0.1 determined by the Mann-Whitney U-test

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