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Table 1 Background characteristics of participants (n = 868)

From: Elderly women’s experiences of self-sampling for HPV testing

Age, years (range)


HPV positive, n (%)

36 (4.2)

HPV negative, n (%)

832 (95.8)

Nulliparous, n (%)

66 (7.6)

Parity (1–7), n (%)

799 (92.4)

Never smokers, n (%)

757 (87.9)

Current smokers, n (%)

85 (9.8)

Previous smokers, n (%)

19 (2.2)

Single, n (%)

203 (23.4)

Having a partner, n (%)

664 (76.6)

Sexually active, n (%)

380 (43.8)

Not sexually active, n (%)

453 (52.2)

Sexual activity not reported, n (%)

34 (4.0)