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Table 2 The individual quantitative risk score (IQRS, points) and hazard ratio (HR) of each Gleason pattern (3/4/5) and its echelon (primary/secondary/tertiary)

From: Quantification of the individual risk of each Gleason pattern, including tertiary Gleason pattern 5, after radical prostatectomy: development of the modified Gleason grade grouping (mGGG) model


Pattern 5

Pattern 4

Pattern 3 or less


1.81 points (HR 6.13)

1.07 points (HR 2.91)

0 points (HR 1)


1.37 points (HR 3.92)

0.79 points (HR 2.21)

0 points (HR 1)


0.87 points (HR 2.39)

  1. HR is calculated from the IQRS by the following formula: HR = eIQRS