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Fig. 5 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 5

From: Sequential analysis of transcript expression patterns improves survival prediction in multiple cancers

Fig. 5

Sequential hierarchical clustering/t-SNE profiling of HCC. a. Hierarchical clustering of 374 HCC transcriptomes from TCGA showing six Dendros. At the bottom of the panel, the colored bars represent the results of t-SNE profiling performed with the four indicated transcript pathways. Each HCC was assigned a t-SNE Cluster identity within the indicated family as described in the legend to Fig. 4. b. Kaplan-Meier survival of patients from each Dendro (D1-D6). The only significant difference among the six groups was D1 vs. D4 (P = 0.021). c. Kaplan-Meier survival of all 374 HCC patients based on the three Clusters generated by t-SNE profiling of tumors with Purine Biosynthesis Pathway transcripts. The number of tumors in each Cluster and the median survival are indicated as are the P values for significant pair-wise comparisons. d. Kaplan-Meier survival of the 58 patients from Dendro 3 based on the Purine Biosynthesis Pathway t-SNE Cluster identities of their tumors. e. Kaplan-Meier survival for all patients based on the two Clusters generated by t-SNE profiling of tumors with Pyrimidine Biosynthesis Pathway transcripts. f. Kaplan-Meier survival of patients from Dendro 6 based on the two Pyrimidine Biosynthesis Pathway t-SNE Cluster identities of their tumors. g. Kaplan-Meier survival of all patients based on the three t-SNE Clusters to which their tumors were assigned after profiling with PI-3 Kinase Pathway transcripts. h. Kaplan-Meier survival of patients from the Dendro 2 group based on the three PI3-Kinase Pathway t-SNE Clusters to which their tumors were assigned. i. Kaplan-Meier survival of patients from the Dendro 3 group based on the three PI3-Kinase Pathway t-SNE Clusters to which their tumors were assigned. j. Kaplan-Meier survival for all patients based on the three TGF-β Pathway transcript t-SNE Clusters to which their tumors were assigned. k. Kaplan-Meier survival of patients from Dendro 4 based on the three TGF-β Pathway t-SNE Clusters to which their tumors were assigned. Small discrepancies in numbers of patients are due to slight differences in which patients were hierarchically clustered, and/or to missing or incomplete survival data

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