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Table 2 Characteristics of CNS metastasis

From: Prognostic impact of platinum sensitivity in ovarian carcinoma patients with brain metastasis


Freq. (%)

Time-point of CNS metastasis

 Platinum sensitive

14 (53.8)

 Platinum resistant

11 (42.3)


1 (3.8)

Previous CT lines before diagnosis CNS metastasis


12 (46.2)


2 (7.7)


3 (11.5)


5 (19.2)


3 (11.5)


1 (3.8)

BM as only site of metastatic disease


6 (23.2)


20 (76.9)

Extra-CNS disease progression


11 (42.6)


14 (53.8)


1 (3.8)

Number of metastasis (median /IQR)

4.5 (1–20)

Metastasis size (median/IQR)

3.2 (2.1–3.7)

Platinum free interval (median/IQR)

10.9 (4.2–22.4)

Time from diagnosis (median/IQR)

31.8 (18.9–55.8)


 Surgery + WBRT or SRT

8 (30.8)


15 (57.7)


5 (19.2)


4 (15.4)

  1. CNS Central nervous system, CT Chemotherapy, IQR Interquartile range, WBRT Whole brain radiotherapy, SRT Stereotaxic radiotherapy