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Table 2 Definitions used

From: Flemish breast cancer screening programme: 15 years of key performance indicators (2002–2016)

Breast cancer

A first diagnosis of invasive carcinoma or ductal in-situ carcinoma of the breast (respectively C50 and D05 of ICD-O, third edition, version 10).

Cancer detection rate

The number of breast cancers detected in a screening round per 1000 women screened.

False-positive recall

Any recall for diagnostic assessment that was not followed by a screen-detected cancer.

False-positive recall rate

The number of women with a False-positive recall per 1000 women screened.

Initial screening

The first screening examination of individual women within the PMSP, regardless of how long the programme has been running

Interval cancer

• Breast cancer that was diagnosed within 24 months of a negative screen.

• Breast cancer that was diagnosed more than 3 months after the first diagnostic assessment that followed a positive screen (but at the latest within 24 months of screening).

Interval cancer rate

The number of interval cancers diagnosed per 1000 women screened.

Invitation coverage

The number of women that receive an invitation in year x, as a proportion of all women that should be invited in that year.

Positive predictive value

The number of breast cancers detected per 100 women recalled for diagnostic assessment.

Programme sensitivity

The number of screen-detected cancers as a proportion of all breast cancers discovered in the screened population within 2 years of screening

Proportion of node-negative cancers

The number of node-negative cancers as a proportion of the total number of invasive screen-detected cancers

Proportion of DCIS

The number of DCIS as a proportion of the total number of screen-detected cancers

Proportion of stage ≥2

The number of Stage II+ breast cancers as a proportion of the total number of screen-detected cancers

Recall rate

The number of women recalled for diagnostic assessment per 100 women screened.

Screen-detected cancer

Breast cancer that was diagnosed within 3 months of the first diagnostic assessment that followed a positive screen (but at the latest within 24 months of screening).

Subsequent irregular screening

Any screening examination after the initial screening, where the most recent PMSP screening occurred > 30 months after the previous PMSP screening

Subsequent regular screening

Any screening examination after the initial screening, where the most recent PMSP screening occurred <=30 months after the previous PMSP screening