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Fig. 4 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 4

From: Encapsulated miR-200c and Nkx2.1 in a nuclear/mitochondria transcriptional regulatory network of non-metastatic and metastatic lung cancer cells

Fig. 4

a- Effect of the treatment on the cancer cell lines. From left to right: untreated cells, cells treated with miR-200c, and cells treated with Nano miR-200c in mouse lung non-metastatic (KW-634), metastatic 821-LN and metastatic 821-T4 cell lines, showing a reduction of cell growth particularly following treatment with Nano miR-200c. b- and c- Cancer cell features after transduction with cell light Bacman reagent. From left to right: DAPI, mitochondrial membrane potential staining, and correlation showing the efficiency of cellular uptake of Nano miR-200c carboxy-fluorescein-labeled nanoparticles in mouse lung non-metastatic (KW-634) and metastatic (821-LN) cell lines, demonstrating a significant growth reduction with no change or damage in the nucleus or mitochondria. d- Endogenous expression of Nkx2–1, e- miR-200c and f- its targets Myb, Nfib and Six1 in mouse lung non-metastatic (KW-634, black bars) and metastatic (821-T4, green bars) cell lines, showing the same inverse correlation as described in MLE15 cell line. The asterisk indicates statistical significance

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