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Table 1 Patient’s characteristics at baseline

From: PET-CT has low specificity for mediastinal staging of non-small-cell lung cancer in an endemic area for tuberculosis: a diagnostic test study (LACOG 0114)


N (%) or median (min-max) (n = 85)

Age (years)

65.0 (47.0–80.0)



49 (57.6%)


36 (42.4%)



68 (80.0%)


7 (8.2%)


10 (11.8%)

Smoking status


35 (41.2%)


45 (52.9%)


5 (5.9%)

Tobacco Exposure (Pack-year)a

45.0 (8.1–120.0)



40 (47.1%)


11 (12.9%)


30 (35.3%)


9 (10.6%)

 Active Tuberculosis

1 (1.2%)

 HIV positive

0 (0.0%)

  1. Data is presented here as mean (minimum-maximum) or absolute (relative) frequencies. aThis analysis takes into account only the 79 patients that were smokers or former smokers