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Table 2 Means and standard deviation scores per study outcome and measurement in the intervention and control group of the Quality of Life in Motion study

From: Effects of a combined physical and psychosocial training for children with cancer: a randomized controlled trial


Intervention (n = 30)

(n = 26)

(n = 22)

Control (n = 38)

(n = 33)

(n = 31)


Post Short-term

Post Long-term


Post Short-term

Post Long-term

mean (SD)

mean (SD)

mean (SD)

mean (SD)

mean (SD)

mean (SD)

Primary outcomes

 VO2peak, (

30.1 (8.5)

31.2 (9.5)

33.8 (8.7)

31.4 (9.5)

33.0 (9.3)

35.8 (8.4)

 Upper body muscle strength (N)

367.4 (114.0)

363.1 (110.2)

382.1 (95.8)

370.2 (133.7)

402.2 (148.7)

416.0 (144.5)

 Lower body muscle strength (N)

587.7 (174.2)

619.8 (197.5)

660.5 (206.9)

564.0 (206.6)

595.5 (216.4)

622.0 (219.2)

Secondary outcomes

 Physical activity (cpm)

153.4 (120.1)

157.8 (81.7)

213.1 (135.3)

169.2 (97.4)

156.5 (76.8)

191.8 (110.1)

 BMD lumbar spine (g/cm2)

0.78 (0.21)

0.78 (0.20)

0.83 (0.23)

0.75 (0.18)

0.76 (0.20)

0.78 (0.21)

 % fat mass

31.2 (8.5)

30.1 (8.4)

31.2 (8.6)

31.0 (6.3)

29.3 (6.9)

29.2 (7.1)

 General HrQoL

68.4 (18.2)

70.1 (15.7)

77.2 (16.4)

73.8 (14.1)

73.8 (17.6)

84.5 (13.1)


67.7 (19.8)

71.7 (17.9)

76.5 (19.9)

74.3 (15.7)

76.7 (16.9)

82.0 (17.3)

Extra outcomes used in mediation analysis

 Depressive symptoms

42.3 (31.3)

43.2 (28.7)

27.8 (29.4)

40.1 (26.2)

37.5 (27.2)

28.2 (26.7)

 Athletic competence

40.1 (28.8)

40.5 (25.4)

51.9 (34.4)

39.9 (31.9)

39.8 (29.7)

38.2 (29.9)

 Global self-worth

55.6 (29.6)

60.0 (28.8)

74.9 (25.9)

57.3 (24.2)

56.0 (29.3)

63.4 (32.5)

 Total problems

45.7 (27.0)

48.1 (29.1)

37.5 (35.8)

41.8 (29.2)

39.3 (24.8)

32.6 (27.3)

  1. Abbreviations: SD standard deviation, n number, VO2peak peak oxygen uptake,− 1 millilitre per kilogram per minute, N Newton, counts per minute, cpm counts per minute, BMD bone mineral density, g/cm2 gram per square centimetre, % percentage, HrQoL health-related quality of life, * p < 0.05, %Corrected for baseline scores