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Table 1 Classification system for uterine Sarcomas, College of the American Pathologists

From: Management of uterine sarcomas and prognostic indicators: real world data from a single-institution

College of American Pathologists classification system for uterine sarcomas

Histologic type (more than one may apply)


 Low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma*

 Low-grade endometrial stromal sarcome with:

  Smooth muscle differentiation

  Sex cord elements

  Glandular elements

  Other (specify)

 High-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma

 Undifferentiated uterine/ endometrial sarcoma


 Adenosarcoma with:

  Rhabdomyoblastic differentiation

  Cartilaginous differentiation

  Osseous differentiation

  Other heterologous element (specify)

 Adenosarcoma with sarcomatous overgrowth

 Other (specify)

  1. *Low-grade endometrial sarcoma is distinguished from benign endometrial stromal nodule by infiltration into the surrounding myometrium and/or lympovascular invasion. Minor marginal irregularity in the form of tongues < 3 mm(up to three) is allowable for an endometrial stromal nodule. This protocol does not apply to endometrial