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Table 2 Concentrations of cfDNA and EV-derived DNA from the supernatant of the pleural effusions

From: Liquid biopsy using the supernatant of a pleural effusion for EGFR genotyping in pulmonary adenocarcinoma patients: a comparison between cell-free DNA and extracellular vesicle-derived DNA


Supernatant of pleural effusion

cfDNA concentration (ng/μL)

EV-derived DNA concentration (ng/μL)

P value

EGFR-TKI naïve patients

N = 32

14.7 (10.5–24.3)

22.7 (15.7–36.2)


EGFR-TKI acquired resistance patients

N = 18

15.4 (11.1–21.8)

18.2 (14.5–32.1)


  1. Data are expressed as median (IQR), cfDNA cell-free DNA, EV-derived DNA extracellular vesicle-derived DNA