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Fig. 1 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 1

From: Effects of indole-3-carbinol on steroid hormone profile and tumor progression in a mice model of canine inflammatory mammarycancer

Fig. 1

Representative histological features. a IMC with neoplastic emboli in superficial dermal lymphatic vessels and infiltration of carcinomatous cells in the female dog origin of the xenografts. b IMC with tumor emboli in SCID mouse (BALB/cJHan®Hsd-Prkdcscid) xenograft control group. c IMC with tumor emboli in dermis in SCID mouse xenograft I3C group (p = 0.012, compared with control group), and non-dermal tumor emboli in I3C mice (p = 0.035). d IMC with abundant lipid-rich cells in SCID mouse xenograft I3C group (× 20), (× 40) (p = 0.001). e IMC with liver metastasis in SCID mouse xenograft I3C group (× 2), (× 20) (p = 0.028). f and g IMC showing caspase-3 positive immunolabeling in a low number of cells in SCID mouse xenograft control group versus I3C group where positive immunolabeling in numerous cells (× 4), (× 20) (p < 0.001). h IMC showing positive Ki-67 immunolabeling in numerous cells in xenograft control group, and i lower number of Ki-67 positive cells in the I3C group SCID mouse xenograft (× 20) (p < 0.001). Analysis of variance followed by appropriate post hoc tests for similar variances (Duncan Test) or different ones (Games Howell test) was used. IMC inflammatory mammary carcinoma, I3C indole-3-carbinol

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