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Table 1 Baseline characteristic of patients

From: The search for a melanoma-tailored chemotherapy in the new era of personalized therapy: a phase II study of chemo-modulating temozolomide followed by fotemustine and a cooperative study of GOIM (Gruppo Oncologico Italia Meridionale)






Sex-no. (%)


39 (56,5)


30 (43,5)

ECOG performance status- no.(%)


20 (29)


37 (53)


12 (18)

Site of primitive melanoma- no.(%)


58 (84)


3 (4)


2 (3)


6 (9)

Melanoma stage-no.(%)


5 (8)


13 (18)


51 (74)

Site of metastases-no.(%)


16 (25)


19 (27)

  ≥ 3

34 (48)

Brain metastases-no.(%)


10 (15)


59 (85)

BRAF status-no. (%)

 Wild type

31 (46)

 BRAF V600

7 (13)

 BRAF not V600

3 (2)


28 (41)

Prior adjuvant therapy no.(%)


2 (3)


13 (19)


54 (47)

Disease free survival-months





Basal level of LDH (normal range 240–480 mg/dl)


29 (42)


40 (58)