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Table 1 Clinical characteristic of selected breast cancer patients

From: Genetic variants in ATM, H2AFX and MRE11 genes and susceptibility to breast cancer in the polish population

All BC patients



Mean age at diagnosis (yrs.)


Histological subtype of breast cancer No. (%)


191 (60.6)


35 (11.1)

 Tubular carcinoma

15 (4.8)


11 (3.5)


6 (1.9)


2 (0.6)


2 (0.6)


2 (0.6)



Tumor grade No. (%)


31 (9.8)


91 (28.9)


55 (17.5)


75 (23.8)

 Unknown grade

63 (20)

Family history of cancers No. (%)


101 (32.1)


171 (54.3)

 Unknown status

43 (13.7)

T stage at diagnosis No. (%)


43 (13.7)


143 (45.4)


37 (11.7)


27 (8.6)


7 (2.2)

 Unknown T stage

58 (18.4)

ERstatus No. (%)

 ER positive

152 (48.2)

 ER negative

102 (32.4)

 ER unknown

61 (19.4)

PgR status No. (%)

 PgR positive

154 (48.9)

 PgR negative

101 (32.1)

 PgR unknown

60 (19)

  1. BC = breast cancer patients, ER - estrogen receptor, PgR- progesterone receptors