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Table 3 Employment Status and Missed Work Time Among Respondents Employed at Time of Survey Participation

From: Impact of Myeloproliferative neoplasms on patients’ employment status and work productivity in the United States: results from the living with MPNs survey


MF (n = 86)

PV (n = 177)

ET (n = 135)

All MPNs (n = 398)

Current employment status, n (%)

 Full-time (≥40 h/wk)

53 (61.6)

127 (71.8)

108 (80.0)

288 (72.4)

 Part-time (< 40 h/wk)

33 (38.4)

50 (28.2)

27 (20.0)

110 (27.6)

Respondents who reported missing work, n (%)

35 (40.7)

52 (29.4)

42 (31.1)

129 (32.4)

Mean (SD) missed work time in the past 7 d because of disease,* h

6.2 (5.6)

7.2 (9.0)

6.7 (5.5)

6.8 (7.1)

  1. ET, essential thrombocythemia; MF, myelofibrosis; MPN, myeloproliferative neoplasm; PV, polycythemia vera
  2. *Mean work time missed is reported only for respondents who reported missing work