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Table 1 Main elements within new online interventions MyCourse – Quit Smoking and MyCourse – Moderate Drinking

From: Internet-based self-help smoking cessation and alcohol moderation interventions for cancer survivors: a study protocol of two RCTs

Main elements


Goal setting

Participants set a quit plan (SC and AM RCT) or moderation plan (only AM RCT) including a quit date

Goal monitoring

Every day participants monitor their drinking or smoking behaviour, mood, cognitions, and contextual cues which have led them to drink or smoke. Feedback is provided in a personalized graph

Exercises based on CBT and ACT

Exercises help identify high risk situations for excessive drinking/smoking and self-management strategies.

ACT-exercises help accept difficult feelings while keeping focused on the behaviour goal and help exercise self-compassion to prevent relapse


Effect of alcohol/tobacco on cancer, cancer treatment and life after cancer


Several automated email reminders to regularly log on, monitor behaviour and finish all exercises

Peer support platform

A moderated bulletin board, focused on sharing tips and experiences

Social support from social network

Semi-automated email functions throughout the program to send personalized, informing emails to a trusted person