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Fig. 1 | BMC Cancer

Fig. 1

From: Dysregulation of Sirtuin 2 (SIRT2) and histone H3K18 acetylation pathways associates with adverse prostate cancer outcomes

Fig. 1

Concurrent immunostaining demonstrates H3K18Ac and P300 increase and SIRT2 decreases during prostate cancer progression. Mean nuclear staining intensity of H3K18Ac, P300 and SIRT2 compared between benign, primary and metastatic PCa. Immunohistochemistry was quantitated using VECTRA and inform software as described. a Nuclear levels of H3K18Ac, (b) p300 and (c) SIRT2 levels in benign, primary and metastatic PCa. (p < 0.05 indicated by * and <0.01 indicated by **). d. Staining patterns in representative benign (top) and malignant (bottom) tissues. In this triple stained image, H3K18Ac stains brown (Chromo DAB) and SIRT2 stains purple (Vector VIP), while E-cadherin used for compartmentalization stains black. (e). Increased H3K18Ac acetylation identifies patients at increased risk of PCa recurrence. Kaplan Meyer curves comparing PSA recurrence-free survival between high and low H3K18Ac staining. H3K18Ac staining on a per-core basis was measured using the Vectra platform in all tissues. Patients were stratified into high or low H3K18Ac levels based on median core expression. There was a statistically significant PSA-free survival advantage in the low H3K18Ac staining group. (1542 vs 350 days, p = 0.03)

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