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Table 1 MEDAS questions and transfer of food intake data from FFQ into its food groups

From: Validation of the German version of the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener (MEDAS) questionnaire


MEDAS question

data recorded by FFQ


Do you use olive oil as the principal source of fat for cooking?

1 point given: use of olive oil for the preparation of at least 2 of the following groceries: salad, vegetable, meat/fish (FFQ Question: Pages 14 and 19)


How much olive oil do you consume per day (including that used in frying, salads, meals eaten away from home, etc.)?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if >48 g vegetable oil


How many servings of vegetables do you consume per day?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if ≥2 portions of vegetables per day (including salad, olives, mushrooms)


How many pieces of fruit (including fresh-squeezed juice) do you consume per day?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if ≥3 portions of fruit (including mixed fruit, mixed stewed fruit and fruit juices)


How many servings of red meat, hamburger, or sausages do you consume per day?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if <100 g meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb) and processed meat products


How many servings (12 g) of butter, margarine, or cream do you consume per day?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if <1 portion butter, margarine and cream


How many carbonated and/or sugar-sweetened beverages do you consume per day?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, sugar-sweetened beverages <1 portion per day (including lemonade and colas)


Do you drink wine? How much do you consume per week?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if ≥7 portions wine (red and white)


How many servings of pulses do you consume per week?

1 point given: ≥ 3 portions pulses per week (page 14)


How many servings of fish/seafood do you consume per week?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if ≥3 portions fish, fish products and seafood per week


How many times do you consume commercial (not homemade) pastry such as cookies or cake per week?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if <3 portions cakes, chocolate, cookies, sweets with and without chocolate per week


How many times do you consume nuts per week?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if ≥3 portions nuts and seeds per week (page 11)


Do you prefer to eat chicken, turkey or rabbit instead of beef, pork, hamburgers, or sausages?

1 point given: based on FFQ calculation, if g white meat (poultry, chicken, rabbit) > g red meat (beef, veal, pork, lamb, processed meat products)


How many times per week do you consume boiled vegetables, pasta, rice, or other dishes with a sauce of tomato, garlic, onion, or leeks sautéed in olive oil?

1 point given: > 1–2 times a week tomato sauce (page 21)