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Table 4 The number of woman whose dense area and percent density in the tumor occurring quadrant of the normal breast compared to the other three quadrants, shown as ranking

From: Evaluation of the association between quantitative mammographic density and breast cancer occurred in different quadrants






Dense Area

 UO Tumor (N = 67)

54 (80.6%) a

9 (13.4%)

2 (3.0%)

2 (3.0%)

 UI Tumor (N = 16)

4 (25%)

8 (50%) a

4 (25%)

0 (0%)

 LO Tumor (N = 7)

0 (0.0%)

2 (28.6%)

4 (57.1%) a

1 (14.3%)

 LI Tumor (N = 20)

0 (0%)

1 (5%)

5 (25%)

14 (70%) a

Percent Density

 UO Tumor (N = 67)

13 (19.4%)

23 (34.3%) b

21 (31.4%) b

10 (14.9%)

 UI Tumor (N = 16)

1 (6.2%)

0 (0.0%)

7 (43.8%) b

8 (50.0%) b

 LO Tumor (N = 7)

3 (42.9%) b

1 (14.2%)

3 (42.9%) b

0 (0.0%)

 LI Tumor (N = 20)

7 (35%) b

4 (20%)

0 (0%)

9 (45%) b

  1. aTumor in UO has the highest DA in UO, tumor in UI has the second highest DA in UI, tumor in LO has the third highest DA in LO, and tumor in LI has the lowest DA in LI. The order is consistent with the ranking of DA in 4 quadrants from the quadrant separation, i.e. UO > UI > LO > LI
  2. bThe ranking of the majority of women with the highest and the second highest percent density proportion in each breast quadrant. There is no trend