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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of PLWHA in the study population (n = 4918)

From: Overview of cancer incidence and mortality among people living with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia, Canada: Implications for HAART use and NADM development

Clinical characteristic

Number (Percent) of Individuals




4016 (81.7%)


902 (18.3%)

Age (years) at Start of Anti-retroviral Therapy


 Under 30

697 (14.1%)


1932 (39.3%)


1519 (30.9%)

 50 or more

770 (15.7%)

Nadir CD4 Level


 Less than 50

1402 (28.5%)


686 (13.9%)


1430 (29.1%)

 200 or more

1400 (28.5%)

Baseline Viral Load


(Log base 10)a

4.95 (4.40–5.00)

Intravenous Drug Use



1766 (35.9%)


3152 (64.1%)

ADM Status



251 (5.1%)


4667 (94.9%)

Hepatitis C Status



2014 (41.0%)


2110 (42.9%)


794 (16.1%)

Use of HAARTb



4275 (86.9%)


643 (13.1%)

Start of Antiretroviral Therapyc


 Early-HAART era (before 2000)

2093 (42.6%)

 Late-HAART era (2000 and after)

2825 (57.4%)

  1. aMedian and Interquartile Range (IQR)
  2. bAll individuals were treated with antiretroviral therapy (monotherapy, dual therapy or triple therapy); selected individuals were treated with HAART (triple therapy) according to guidelines at time of treatment
  3. cThe year cut-point was utilized to represent use of more efficient HAART starting in the year 2000