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Table 1 WWACP Intervention Content and Delivery Strategies

From: The Women’s wellness after cancer program: a multisite, single-blinded, randomised controlled trial protocol


Delivery Strategies



Virtual consultation delivered by specialist cancer nurse

Physical activity, and healthy eating messages; goal setting; education; motivational interviewing; development of tailored health education and individualised plan and goals.

Observational weight, and self-measured height, waist/hip circumference measures


Phone coaching, Journal, Book, health education material/website

Review plan and goals; develop a personal action plan; identify barriers; self-monitoring


Phone coaching, Journal, Book, and website

Relapse prevention; coaching, feedback, motivational interviewing and self-monitoring.



Mobile phone text message every week based on program messages; news update every four weeks; motivational messages sent as women reach set goals.


Virtual RN consultation

Review of plan and goals; coaching; relapse prevention; motivational interviewing; biophysical measurements.

Observational weight and self-measured height, waist/hip circumference measures

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Data collection by RA

Observational, weight, waist/hip circumference measures and on-line questionnaire