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Table 2 Linear regression models of associations between early life socioeconomic status and adult mammographic density, EDMD Study

From: Early life socioeconomic environment and mammographic breast density


Model 1: Adjusted for age at mammogram & adult BMI

Model 2: adjusted, for age at mammogram, adult BMI and early life factors (PTS, birthweight, weight at age 4)

Model 3:adjusted for age at mammogram, adult BMI, early life factors and adult SES (adult education & income)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

β (95% CI)

Dense area (cm2)

 Maternal Education at birth

  Less than high school (reference)

  High school graduate

0.01 (−4.3, 4.3)

−0.6 (−5.2, 3.9)

−1.7 (−6.3, 3.0)

  Trade school or some college

−0.8 (−5.7, 4.2)

−2.9 (−8.0, 2.2)

−4.3 (−9.8, 1.1)

  College graduate or higher education

1.8 (−4.4, 8.0)

−1.4 (−8.3, 5.4)

−4.8 (−12.1, 2.4)

Family income at birth

  < $5000 (reference)


−1.2 (−5.1, 2.7)

−1.4 (−5.4, 2.6)

−1.5 (−5.7, 2.7)

  ≥ $8000

−6.3 (−11.0, −1.6)

−6.9 (−11.8, −2.1)

−8.2 (−13.3, −3.2)

Non-dense area (cm2)

 Maternal education at birth

  Less than high school (reference)

  High school graduate

−7.7 (−18.0, 2.6)

−5.4 (−15.6, 4.8)

−5.7 (−16.5, 5.0)

  Trade school or some college

−1.0 (−13.4, 11.4)

−3.3 (−16.1, 9.6)

−3.8 (−17.0, 9.4)

  College graduate or higher education

−8.2 (−20.8, 4.4)

−5.5 (−19.2, 8.3)

−3.5 (−18.6, 11.5)

 Family income at birth

   < $5000 (reference)


−4.3 (−13.2, 4.6)

−3.6 (−12.4, 5.2)

−1.9 (−11.1, 7.3)

   ≥ $8000

−1.9 (−13.2, 9.4)

−1.6 (−13.5, 10.2)

0.8 (−11.4, 12.9)

Percent density

  Maternal education at birth

  Less than high school (reference)

  High school graduate

1.4 (−1.4, 4.2)

0.7 (−2.2, 3.7)

0.4 (−2.6, 3.4)

  Trade school or some college

0.5 (−2.8, 3.8)

−0.2 (−3.7, 3.3)

−0.8 (−4.4, 2.9)

  College graduate or higher education

4.8 (0.6, 9.1)

3.4 (−1.4, 8.2)

1.1 (−4.0, 6.2)

Family income at birth

  < $5000 (reference)


−0.7 (−3.2, 1.8)

−0.7 (−3.3, 1.8)

−0.9 (−3.6, 1.8)

  ≥ $8000

−2.6 (−6.1, 0.9)

−2.3 (−6.0, 1.4)

−3.2 (−6.9, 0.5)

  1. Abbreviations: PTS prenatal tobacco exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy, BMI Body mass index, CI confidence interval